Thursday, June 9, 2011

Completely Overwhelmed

I'm not sure where to begin. My heart and my mind are so full right now. For many reasons.

Today, something I surrendered to God months ago came to a climax. Months ago, I decided to go to Africa on a mission trip. It was something I'd wanted to do for years but was too scared about money and being spiritually prepared and other little things. I finally just decided to do it--I knew God was calling me to. I began to worry about money as looked at the medicines I would need, the payments we had to make. After some time worrying, I stopped and I listened to scripture. Philippians 4:6 says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Why not practice what I preach? Truly live out what the bible says. That's what we should be doing anyways right?!

Anyway, I stopped worrying, I started praying. I still worked and attempted to find a new job, which I found in May (thank you Lord for providing). I fund raised, asked friends and families for donations. And then, two amazing things happened. First, I was shown support from my amazing new church family at First United Methodist of Sylva. I say new because I was recently (May 15th) baptized and joined the church. Another member and I are going on this trip and one of the groups organized a spaghetti lunch for us to raise money for the trip. We raised enough for each of us to have $500 towards our trip!!! AMAZING! I thought I was overwhelmed. I was definitely overjoyed. God was so good. Then, today, I visited a friend whose family I have been friends with for a few years. They said they would donate. When I got there, I was handed a check for a donation of $400.

Time out.
  • The total trip (minus visa and medicines) is $1500.
  • With other donations I have received from friends, families and neighbors, I had raised $670.
  • That plus the spaghetti lunch ($500), plus the amazing, outrageous, incredible donation from my friends family ($400) equals $1570.
  • That's more than I needed.
  • That means that will pay for some of the medicines I still need.
  • WOAH!

This completely generous, self-less, crazy donation has put me over what I need. I am completely, totally 100% overwhelmed not only by the generosity and love of the people in my life but also of how God provides. When I finally trusted Him, gave it all to Him, let Him have my worries and concerns; He came through as it says in His word. He always provides, He is more than we need. Why is it so hard to remember this.

And as I looked up that scripture, Philippians 4:6, again tonight, I read the next verse. Verse 7 "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Amazing. He is so good, so gracious, so mighty and yet He will guard our hearts. If we let Him.

Just something to think about. Much more in my heart and mind right now, but this for starters.

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